For the first set of prints I did, each earing measured between 10mm to 15mm, and the studs had an 8mm diameter disc on them that I glued into the recess in the back of the earrings.
Here's the first set of earrings. that I printed.

They came out with excellent detail but were, unfortunately, a bit too big to wear as studs. But I then managed to find some 4mm disc studs and scaled them all down by around 40%. and printed them again.
The print time for 70 earrings. (5 pairs of 7 animals) took around 4 hours (plus about 3 hours to get rid of all the oxygen from the machine and replace it with argon, and another hour to remove the build plate from the machine and clean up the machine). Removing the support material that welded the earrings to the build plate, filing the backs of the earrings, cleaning the stud recesses of support material, and shot-peening them took about 30~45 minutes per pair of earrings. The studs were glued in with epoxy.
And here's a set of the cat earrings being worn by our lovely ear model, Cilla.
